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Undergraduate and Graduate Courses Taught* in Biology at Carleton University

*Note that I do not teach each of these courses every year.  Please see Carleton University Calendar for Course Scheduling


BIOL 4317

The proximate mechanisms underlying animal behaviour are examined focusing on how nervous systems evolve in reponse to environmental selection pressures. Topics include genetic and hormonal influences on behaviour (e.g. maternal care), unique sensory worlds (e.g. magnetic), and various levels of neural integration, from simple reflexes to complex social behavior.

Prerequisites: BIOL 3305, or permission of the Department.

Lectures three hours a week.


BIOL 3004 [0.5 credit]
Insect Diversity

Introductory course dealing with the taxonomic diversity, anatomy, behavior and physiology of insects, as well as their impacts on ecosystems, agriculture and animal and human health.

Precludes additional credit for BIOL 4601.

Prerequisite(s): BIOL 2001.

Lectures three hours a week.


BIOL 3802 [0.5 credit]
Animal Behaviour

Advanced study of animal behaviour including the environmental, genetic, and neural influences on behaviour. Topics such as predator-prey interactions, mating behaviour, migration, parental care and social interactions are interpreted in an evolutionary context.

Prerequisite(s): BIOL 2001 and BIOL 2600 or permission of the Department.

Lectures and workshop/tutorials three hours a week.


BIOL 4901 [0.5 credit]
Directed Special Studies

Independent or group study, open to third- and fourth-year students to explore a particular topic, in consultation with a Faculty supervisor. May include directed reading, written assignments, tutorials, laboratory or field work.

Prerequisite(s): permission of the Department. Students normally may not offer more than 1.0 credit of Directed Special Studies in their program.


BIOL 4907 [1.0 credit]
Honours Essay and Research Proposal

An independent critical review and research proposal, using library resources, under the direct supervision of a Faculty advisor. Evaluation is based on a written report and a poster presentation.

Precludes additional credit for BIOL 4908.

Prerequisite(s): fourth-year standing in an Honours Biology program and permission of the Department.


BIOL 4908 [1.0 credit]
Honours Research Thesis

An independent research project undertaken in the field and/or the laboratory, under the direct supervision of a faculty adviser. Evaluation is based on a written thesis and a poster presentation.

Precludes additional credit for BIOL 4907.

Prerequisite(s): fourth-year standing in an Honours Biology program and permission of the Department.


BIOL 5501 [0.5 credit] (BIO 8900)
Directed Studies in Biology

One-to-one instruction in selected aspects of specialized biological subjects not covered by other graduate courses. Students may not take this course from their thesis supervisor(s), and are limited to one directed studies course per program.

Prerequisite(s): permission of the director or associate director of OCIB.


BIOL 5801 [0.5 credit] (BIO 5105)
Advanced Neuroethology

A comparative and evolutionary approach to studying neural mechanisms underlying animal behaviour, including genetic, neural and hormonal influences on behaviour.

Prerequisite(s): permission of the director or associate director of OCIB.

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